Carbon Footprint, the ecological certification that estimates CO2 emissions


Carbon Footprint is a parameter used to calculate in CO2 the greenhouse gas emissions of an organization or a product. Superior has acquired both certifications to focus even more on environmentally-friendly tanning.

For several years now, Conceria Superior has been committed to making its production process more sustainable. The certifications we have obtained in terms of quality, environment, ethics and ecological production are a testament of such commitment. These include the ones that certify Superior’s compliance with the Carbon Footprint of a product and of the organization. 

The Carbon Footprint is a parameter used to estimate how much greenhouse gas is released in the environment to make a particular product or to enable an organisation to function. The greenhouse gases taken into account in the analysis are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride. The final estimate is measured in tonnes of CO2, i.e. the carbon dioxide released to achieve these purposes..

The Carbon Footprint of an organization and a product is therefore an objective and measurable parameter, useful to determine the impact of our activity’s emissions in the environment. This makes us aware of the CO2 necessary to produce our leather and to allow our tannery to work at full capacity. We have a 5.2% influence in the production of CO2 with regard to the Carbon Footprint as an organization, and an influence of 13% in the production of CO2 per square meter of leather made (Carbon Footprint of a product).  Among the tanneries that have made their results public, these are among the lowest estimates

For a company, obtaining a Carbon Footprint certification is an indication of quality and sustainability.  For Superior it is also a starting point: analysing and quantifying emissions allows us to act in a transparent way, putting into practice a management plan aimed at an increasingly responsible use of the resources.

The sustainable approach of Superior today concerns the activity of the tannery at 360°, whether it’s to optimise the energy and water used in tanning, investing in research and development to limit the use of chemical products, or to prepare eco-sustainable exhibition spaces for our leather. And we do all this without ever compromising the elegance of our leathers. 

>> Our actions towards greater sustainability of tanning production